Capture and tag @by_rou_ and get 15% OFF your afternoon tea bill. Everyday from 12pm onwards!

Our Story

ROU’s specialty coffee holds that seed-to-cup quality brewed with passion and precision.

Our Tokyo-inspired coffee shop concept brings together the finest of Japan’s Matcha techniques and the universal love for connecting over a great cup of coffee.

From smooth espressos, floral and fruity notes in our single origin hand-drips and our rich matcha lattes, our creations will delight your senses.

We are located in the heart of Umalas since 2016 – step in, savor, and leave happier than before.



東京にインスパイアされた ROU Coffee のコンセプトは、日本の最高級の抹茶技術と、一杯の美味しいコーヒーを囲んでつながることへの普遍的な愛情を融合させたものです。

